Public Safety / First Responders

In many cases, the vehicles that first responders use may pose a threat to the health of the patients they assist. Due to the nature of first responder calls, they are often exposed to biological contaminants such as infectious bacteria and viruses.

Sterile Lab Services can help to reduce the risk of contamination in first responder vehicles such as ambulances, fire trucks, and others. Our methods have been proven to be 99.9999% effective in removing any viruses or bacteria that could be found on internal surfaces of the vehicle. Not only is our decontamination method effective, it is completely safe for use on sensitive electronic devices that may exist in the vehicle.

Advantages of our decontamination methods:

  • 99.9999% effective
  • Fast response time
  • Minimal downtime
  • Environmentally friendly (“green”)
  • Excellent material compatibility
  • Cost effective



In fact, the environments we work everyday can be hazardous to our health. Studies suggest that police, firefighters and EMTs have 10 times higher risk of coming into contact with an infectious biological agent. likely due to the fact that they tend to come into contact with many more people in any given day than the average person. Those people can be carrying bacteria and disease that transmits easily to anyone who contact them.

No matter the setting, Sterile Lab Services can effectively remove the biological hazards found on almost any surface.

Call today to learn how we can help decontaminate the surfaces in your environment

call-today-button (919)-615-3773